While serving in the Navy, Camille discovered she had a passion for training and helping others. Her service began in 2010 and for the first few years of service, she struggled to keep her weight within military standards. When she had her son in 2014, health and fitness became a top priority. She started lifting weights on her own and grew to love high intensity workouts. After getting back into shape, she became a command fitness leader to help other sailors who struggled to maintain physical requirements just as she did. In 2017, she transitioned into the Navy Reserves, moved to Bellingham and began to study for a degree Kinesiology with a specialization in Sport Psychology. During that time, she also worked as a trainer at a local boxing/kickboxing gym for a couple years until being called to deploy to Sicily for 6 months in 2021.
After her return, Camille came to PFNW as a member and quickly fell in love with our gym and our community. She then chose to complete her internship here while finishing her degree in Kinesiology at Western Washington University. After completing her bachelor’s degree, we were fortunate enough to have Camille officially become part of our team.
Camille loves creating a positive atmosphere in the gym, while incorporating key components of the mental aspects of fitness. Her drive to see clients exceed their own expectations and reap the benefits of a healthier and happier lifestyle fulfills Camille’s career at ProFitness Northwest.