ProFitness Northwest

Frequently Asked Questions

“CrossFit is Constantly Varied, Functional Movement, performed at High Intensity”

Constantly Varied means changing your workout – routine is the enemy. CrossFit mixes weight training, gymnastics (think bodyweight movements) and endurance training in as many combinations as possible which provides fitness that prepares you for anything in the real world. The more routine your workouts are, the less prepared you will be for the unexpected. What will life demand of you in the future? There is no way to know and your training should reflect that. We are preparing for unknown and the unknowable.

Functional Movements are natural movements and the prepare you for real life. Sitting and standing, in the gym we call that a squat. Picking objects up off the ground, in the gym we call that a deadlift. We believe it is important to be good at those types of movements.

Functional movements include:

  • Back Extension / Flexion / Rotation
  • Crawling, Standing, Walking, Running, Jumping, Squatting, Lunging,
  • Lifting, Pushing, Pulling, Throwing, Catching, Hitting, Kicking

Intensity is a measure of how fast you can get real work done. Power is a combination of speed and strength. In CrossFit we measure your fitness as your ability to do work relative to time. The more work you do in less time the higher the average power and the harder your workouts are. This is real intensity. This type of workout achieves the best overall health and fitness results that are both observable and measurable. The more fit you are the more work you will be able to do in less time. All these movements were around long before gyms and exercise science. These movements are what our bodies were designed to do. They were not invented by anyone and we do them all the time during our day-to-day activities and sport performance. CrossFit uses functional movements because they are natural, safe and prepare you for life outside the gym.

Simply put: Power is a measure of fitness and Power = Work divided by Time!

CrossFit is as hard as you make it. If hard is what you are into our gym is right for you. You can make the most out of your own workouts with the amount of effort you put into them. If, however, you prefer a moderate workout our gym is still right for you. We will help you modify the workout so that you get the level of challenge and intensity you are into.

The great thing about CrossFit is its intensity and the not so great thing about CrossFit is its intensity. Many people try to go too intense too soon. To achieve real results in fitness it is absolutely necessary to overload the body from what it is used to. In other words, intensity is key. Injuries that occur from exercise are most often a result of poor mechanics and/or too much intensity.  In our gym at CrossFit Bellingham our experienced and knowledgeable coaches lead our athletes through three stages. First, we relentlessly help our athletes learn and develop proper mechanics (learning how to do the movements with correct technique). Second, we emphasize consistency (the ability to do the movements repeatedly with safe and relatively efficient technique). And third, is intensity (the speed and load with which you do the movements). One does not come before the other. We always start and emphasize proper mechanics over intensity. We always encourage you to listen to your body and if you are not able to do the movements properly and safely we will help you find and alternative movement.

It is easy to confuse CrossFit programming methodology with the sport of CrossFit. While the sport of CrossFit is not for everyone, CrossFit programming methodology most likely is. For the majority of people we’ve worked with since 2008 CrossFit programming and methodology has been of significant benefit to their health and fitness goals. We train for broad based general preparedness and improvement among all 10 Points of Fitness (see below).

  1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance: The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.
  1. Stamina: The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
  1. Strength: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.
  1. Flexibility: The ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
  1. Power: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
  1. Speed: The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
  1. Coordination: The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
  1. Agility: The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
  1. Balance: The ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base.
  1. Accuracy: The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

Sometimes CrossFit may not be for the athlete who is training for something specific like a competitive sport. In that case Personal Training with Chad, Nick, or Jeff would be better for you.

Nope, that’s what we are here for. The best way to get fit is to come to class and let us help you!

We cater to all experience, fitness, and strength levels and all of our workouts can be modified for you (we call that scaling). We will help you to meet your current fitness level and to help you move you forward safely. One of the great things about a CrossFit is that the workouts are easily modified (scalable). You start where you start and every Workout of the Day (WOD) can be modified. Our goal is to get you fit faster and safer than you would be able to on your own. By modifying your workouts (movements, resistance, repetitions) we can still provide you with a high intensity workout that will ensure your safety and put you in a position to be successful in any class that you attend. You can do CrossFit at Bellingham CrossFit!

In our gym, we think of the workout of the day (WOD) as a template and for anyone who is not able to do the workout as written (prescribed) because of current fitness levels, previous injuries, an unlearned movement/skill, or any other limitations, we will help you modify/scale the workout. Because of the large variety of movement skills in CrossFit, everyone is confronted with limitations. That is the beauty of CrossFit, there are always new challenges to keep you engaged and bring you to deeper understandings of your body and how it moves. You do what you can do, and you don’t worry about anyone else.

Our coaches will ask you in your first class if you have any injuries or any problems in your body before starting the workout. If you have back or knee problems for example the coach will help you find a way to reduce the strain on your back with a scaling option.

Many clients who started training with us with previous injuries or tweaks and found relief from the pain by learning how to move more correctly. For example, people with back and knee pain often reduce their experience of pain by leaning how to pick things up off the ground as well as how to sit and stand properly. In the gym we call those movements a deadlift and a squat. We all do those movements every day and it is essential for our health and longevity to know how to perform those movements properly in our daily lives. Correcting imbalances by strengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility around the problem area is another way pain may be relieved. All too often people neglect exercising due to fear of injury. Because of this they end up deconditioned, weak, and more susceptible to injury in the future. Learning proper movement patterns in CrossFit will provide you a buffer so that you are less inclined to injury. Our workouts are scalable so most anyone can participate.

No way. We’ve all know what it is like to be the “new kid” in class! The CrossFit Bellingham community is here to support and encourage you. In our gym our community is all about support and encouragement and our community is open and friendly to new-comers.  We are all at different levels of fitness and skill development and the unifying thread is that we are all on the path of getting better. Train to be the best version of yourself. We have a family-like atmosphere and it is very likely someone will help you through your introductory period.

CrossFit is different than boot camp gyms in several ways. Bootcamp classes are typically circuit based where you spend 30 to 60 seconds at a station and then move to the next station. Caloric burn is the primary goal and little if any time is spent on proper movement. Bootcamp gyms are typically limited to developing one specific type of aerobic capacity. As you get better at CrossFit, you will not only burn calories, but you will functionally move better, acquire new skills and become stronger.

In CrossFit, in addition to cardiovascular conditioning we devote time to developing proper technique, new skills and strength. At CrossFit Bellingham we are training for our 80’s and we program our classes to develop each athlete among 10 Points of Fitness.

Expect the unexpected, CrossFit programming develops general physical preparedness and that is what makes it so special and engaging. Just when you’ve mastered a new skill, there will be another skill to develop which will take your fitness to the next level and help you discover more about yourself.

The main components of any sessions can generally be classified into three general categories:

  • Cardio Vascular Training – Running, rowing, jumping rope, etc.
  • Gymnastics – Body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups etc.
  • Weight lifting – Deadlifts, squats, clean & jerk, snatch etc.

Since CrossFit is constantly varied we have several formats for how our classes are typically run. Our classes are one-hour long. We start each class with a dynamic general group warm-up that is designed to get the blood pumping, muscles and joints lose, raise your core temperature and work on skills to improve your functional movement patterns. Then depending on the day, we combine Strength Training with Metabolic Conditioning (metabolic conditioning or “metcon” is another way to say “cardio”). We finish each class with durability work, stretching and myofascial release (form rolling) to aid in your recovery. Below is a list of our most basic CrossFit Class Formats, please note that the times given are approximate.

Strength Training with WOD

  • General Warm-up 5 min
  • Specific Warm-up/Skill 10 min
  • Strength Training 20 min
  • WOD 15 min
  • Cool Down – durability work, stretching and myofascial release 10 min

 2 WODs

  • General Warm-up 5 min
  • Specific Warm-up/Skill 10 min
  • WOD #1 15 min
  • WOD #2 15 min
  • Cool Down – durability work, stretching and myofascial release 15 min

Long WOD

  • General Warm-up 5 min
  • Specific Warm-up/Skill 10 min
  • WOD 35 min
  • Cool Down – durability work, stretching and myofascial release 10 min

Skill Focus with WOD

  • General Warm-up 5 min
  • Complex Skill Focus 20 min
  • WOD 25 min
  • Cool Down – durability work, stretching and myofascial release 10 min

The CrossFit model is to train two to three days in a row, followed by one day of rest. This will maximize your results and ensure proper recovery for your body. However, we know that many people have responsibilities outside the gym that prevent an optimum training schedule. In that case, training three days per week is good too and you will still see many positive health results.

The shorty answer is NO.  The theory that you need to do long slow steady state exercise to burn fat is not holding up to research.  Although long slow steady state cardio can have some benefit it is inefficient. More and more research shoes that short burst of high intensity anaerobic activity is superior to slow steady “cardio”. The most important exercise factor for weight loss is power output (how much work you can do in a given amount of time). If you run 10 miles your intensity (power output) will be lower than if you run multiple 400-meter sprints.

Ultimately, if weight loss is your goal, the quantity and types of foods are the most important factor. You will not be able to out exercise poor eating habits.

If you are an athlete who want to specialize in a particular activity or sport CrossFit training methodology is fantastic because it develops a very broad base of fitness and will help bring balance to your conditioning by

Gaining muscle size like you see on tv is really, really hard, especially for women. Most of the people you see on tv who are big and bulky are likely on a program of that consists of weight training two times per day, high caloric intake, supplements, and maybe even steroids. Yes, we do lift weights and yes you will get stronger, leaner, and more tone. If you would like to gain size, you would want to come to our barbell classes and let our Barbell Coach know your goals and maybe do some personal training.

In CrossFit we measure your fitness as your ability to do work relative to time. The more work you do in less time the higher the average power and the harder your workouts are. This is real intensity. This type of workout achieves the best overall health and fitness results that are both observable and measurable. The more fit you are the more work you will be able to do in less time.

Simply put: Power is a measure of fitness and Power = Work divided by Time!

You will also notice improvement among the ten points of fitness: Cardio/Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy. Your whole life gets easier, just walking up stairs and bringing home groceries while holding a baby and keys will be an easy task. If you want to see numbers you can always step on a scale, take progress pictures of yourself or do a body fat measurement.

No, you are free to take any class at any time.

Yes! ProFitness Northwest and CrossFit Bellingham offers a Self-defense for both adults and youth. Please see our schedule for details.

Yes. We have a very robust and successful personal training practice. The first step of Personal Training begins with a Free Consultation so we can get to know you, your exercise history, your current exercise routine, what you like to do and your goals. During the consultation you will also get to know a little about us as well including our training methodology and point of view.  Together, we discuss the best way for you to move forward.

The next step after your consultation is your first Personal Training session which is our movement evaluation. During this session we begin building the foundation of all the movements that are to follow in your workouts. We cover all of the basic movement patterns for functional fitness and your trainer will discover the best starting point for your workouts based on safety as well as your current level of fitness.

Getting started is easy. We encourage you to come to a class and give it a try. Our experienced coaches will show you everything you need to know for that day’s workout and make any necessary modifications to the workout that you may need so that you will be safe and successful. Simply follow this link to sign up for your free class.

Scaling in CrossFit means adjusting movement, the resistance, and/or repetitions to your current ability and fitness level. We stress the importance of proper movement patterns and technique. If there is a move that for some reason you are not able to do that day we can substitute a different movement for you. If the load is too difficult, no problem, we can use a lighter weight. If there are too many repetitions in a workout for you, that is an easy fix, we can reduce the repetitions. Our coaches do this every day for our athletes. CrossFit is something that every single person can do, at their level.

WOD is short for “Workout of the Day”. WOD usually refers to the metabolomic conditioning or “cardio” portion of our class. This is the fun part.

Rx is a term used by fitness professionals that refers to the assigned movements, loads, and repetitions of a workout. In CrossFit Rx refers to the prescribed WOD.

RFT is Rounds (or Reps) For Time. In this type of workout we are doing an assigned number of rounds, let’s say 5 rounds, of a set of movements and repetitions as fast as you are able to do with good technique. This is also known as a work priority workout. You have an assigned workload and your job is to do that work is the shortest amount of time possible. This is how we measure fitness. An easy example of work priority would be to run 400 meters as fast as you can.

AMRAP is As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible.  In this type of workout we are doing an assigned number of movements and repetitions as many times as are able to do with good technique in a given time, let’s say 12 minutes. This is also known as a time priority workout. You have an assigned length of time to work and your job is to do as much work as you are able in that amount of time. This is how we measure fitness. An easy example of time priority would be to run as far as you can in 2 minutes.