ProFitness Northwest

Top 5 Ways CrossFit Helps You Make Time for a Workout of the Day (WOD)

Maybe you’ve dabbled in a crossfit workout routine or exercise programs in the past but lost motivation somewhere along the way. Or maybe you know that you should be working out but you don’t know where to start or you wonder how to fit a workout of the day (WOD) into your busy schedule. Or maybe you fear that you are not in good enough shape to join a gym.

According to the American Heart Association, keeping physically active is an important part of preventing heart disease and stroke; the country’s number one and number five killers. The heart association suggests at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise like walking or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise, or a combination of the two.

CrossFit classes are a great way to keep yourself motivated and accountable to meeting and exceeding these guidelines.

Top 5 Ways CrossFit Help you Make Time for a WOD

  1. CrossFit Means Community

A CrossFit community arises organically when people do CrossFit workouts together. The communal aspect of CrossFit is one of the main reasons that this type of workout is so effective; knowing that you have other people expecting you to be there and pushing you to reach your goals means that you are more likely to hold yourself accountable. When each member of a CrossFit community is supported physically, mentally, and emotionally they are experiencing a fulfilling fitness experience that will keep them coming back.

  1. Fun, Functional and Exciting Workouts

When workouts get stale or participants stop seeing results, they are more likely to stop working out. CrossFit ensures that workouts are consistently fun, functional and exciting by addressing the Ten Points of Fitness. When people are getting what they want out of a workout typical excuses such as “I hate exercising” or “I’m not athletic enough to workout” get pushed aside.

  1. Break out of a rut

CrossFit is a fitness program that challenges people to break out of a tired, old routine, whether that includes a dull regimen, working out a little or not at all. CrossFit is designed to optimize fitness and work the whole body by teaching skilled movement patterns in order to perform varied functional movements with relatively high intensity. Simply put, rather than having a “leg day” or a “cardio day”, for example, CrossFit participants get a chance to integrate and apply strength training with cardio while they reach overall fitness goals.

  1. Set a workout trigger

While the makeup of workouts should not be routine, getting to the gym should be. When people find a trigger to get them motivated to workout that is the best way to ensure that they will form a solid exercise habit with a WOD. A trigger can be an alarm going off at a certain time of the morning, preparing your favorite smoothie to drink after a workout or having your workout bag ready by the front door. For many people, CrossFit programs work as a trigger because of the routine of the schedule and the motivating words and messages from your coach.

  1. Get your WOD done as the first thing in your day

Many people are tired after a long day of work and despite their best intentions never make it to the gym. When you are scheduled for a morning CrossFit session you are ensuring that you are making time for a daily workout and getting it done before you are tired from your workday. As you workout more you will begin sleeping better and feel truly energized from a morning workout.

Join a CrossFit class today!

ProFitness Northwest and CrossFit Bellingham is calling all early birds! Get in shape by signing up for our 6-week SummerFit Special Bootcamp sessions with sessions at 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. Our specialized CrossFit classes are ideal for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness in a class environment.

On sale now for $265 ($370 value)! Only 4 spots available per class which means participants get personalized instruction. Send us your contact information today; our team of coaches and personal trainers are here to help you reach your personal fitness goals.