ProFitness Northwest

Top 6 Ways CrossFit Helps to Relieve Stress

Let’s face it; the pace of today’s world combined with traffic and the cost of living means that most people are dealing with a fair amount of stress on a daily basis. As stress hormones course through our bodies it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep so we can properly concentrate during the day or ever feel truly relaxed. In addition, high levels of stress hormones can lead to loss of appetite, depression, alcohol and drug abuse and anti-social behavior. Perhaps most dangerous to our health, stress hormones can make our bodies hold onto belly fat which is linked to chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and other serious ailments such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease. Unless we find positive outlets to reduce stress and burn calories it can be very difficult to lose belly fat and reduce our stress levels. Many people have benefitted from reduced stress when they began a CrossFit class.

Top 6 ways CrossFit Helps to Relieve Stress

CrossFit training is a very effective way for people to help manage their stress levels and decrease their risk of chronic illnesses. CrossFit helps people relieve stress by:

  1. Giving participants a healthy place to get physically active on a regular basis. When people engage in more physical activity the benefits are strong and immediate. The positive bio-chemical effects of working out alone help to ease stress but CrossFit members have the added benefit of being able to show up to class knowing that the workout is planned for them.
  2. Providing encouragement. Many people are unhappy with their weight or health status but fear starting a workout routine. In CrossFit these fears are put to rest with the personalized encouragement each member receives.
  3. Creating a sense of community. Loneliness is known to cause all kinds of physical and emotional health issues including increased stress hormones. At CrossFit gyms you are part of a caring community; members benefit from a sense of belonging.
  4. Creating workouts aimed at releasing negative emotions, anger and stress and integrating fun and laughter. CrossFit coaches understand that most people have a lot of stress in their lives so workouts are designed to improve physical as well as mental well-being.
  5. Encouraging adequate water intake and healthy diet changes. Dehydration can cause headaches and other physical and emotional problems; we need water to function at full capacity. When we eat a lot of junk food we are depriving our bodies of the nutrients we need to be strong and healthy, both physically and mentally. CrossFit coaches have a wealth of knowledge about feeding our bodies in the best ways possible.
  6. When people are physically active they tend to sleep more restfully. The better we sleep, the more recharged and less stressed we feel during the day. When people join a CrossFit class they are ensuring physical activity on a regular basis which in turn helps sleep patterns.

Try a CrossFit class today!

ProFitness Northwest and CrossFit Bellingham is calling all early birds! Get in shape by signing up for our 6-week SummerFit Special Bootcamp sessions with sessions at 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. Our specialized CrossFit classes are ideal for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness in a class environment.

On sale now for $265 ($370 value)! Only 4 spots available per class which means participants get personalized instruction. Send us your contact information today; our team of coaches and personal trainers are here to help you reach your personal fitness goals.